Saturday, October 5, 2024

Navigating a new beginning

It was nerve-racking, yet full of valuable insights. A summary of my first quarter experience in the 2024-2025 school year. During that period, I discovered that flexibility and time management were the most essential aspects in ensuring a successful school year. Those skills are extremely helpful, especially since I'm involved in extracurricular activities; they're also handy in the face of unforeseen circumstances. In addition, I've learned the importance of adapting to changing situations and avoiding procrastination. Without procrastination, I believe there is much more I could accomplish. Reflecting on these, I can better understand where I should focus and improve in the next quarters.

     Of course, there are challenges at this time. I've struggled to balance priorities and manage my time effectively. Because I am currently a member of a club in our school, I have been given additional responsibilities. Being in a club is enjoyable, yet there were times when my responsibilities conflicted. There was a moment when I needed to contribute to a group activity but also needed to help in the work of our club. It was quite overwhelming, and I was in a dilemma—torn between which to prioritize first. Certainly, it caused stress and pressure.

On the other hand, I have employed solutions that, I think, worked well. I created a task list with allocated time for each task, putting the most critical first. Although I was having difficulty with time management, I used my time effectively to contribute back when I had a conflicting responsibility. To lessen stress, I tried to be as positive as I could by surrounding myself with people I enjoy being with. I also read articles frequently that could change and enlighten my outlook.

Moving on, I will continue to prioritize development, with a focus on time management and flexibility. By reflecting, I discovered which actions I should continue and which to avoid. There's still more time to go. I aim to seek improvement and opportunities that are beneficial. With all of what I learned, I can achieve positive outcomes that would lead to success. As I navigate through the obstacles and triumphs of the school year, may the knowledge gained pave the way to a future filled with growth and accomplishment.


1 comment:

  1. Your reflection emphasizes the importance of flexibility and time management for balancing academics and extracurricular activities, suggesting that embracing these lessons will foster continued growth and success in the school year.


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