Sunday, September 22, 2024

The guiding lights

A good teacher is like the rising sun that comes to fill the empty and dark minds with the light of the education ― Anamika Mishra

     From the early mornings, there shines a bright group of people filled with knowledge, passion, and encouragement, ready to bring growth into young minds and fully ignite their potentials. These are teachers, also called our second parents, who have imparted lessons and bright ideas alongside our parents. While their main role is to teach, they go above and beyond. In our early years, we may have only learned the alphabet and numbers. But as we went through the higher levels of education, we gain not only academic insights from them but also morals and life lessons. This is what makes them unforgettable in everyone’s lives; they make us feel that they are more than just teachers—they are friends, supporters, and even parents. 

     Not every teacher is perfect, as they are only humans with flaws that every student must understand. Teachers play a vital role in our country and the world, yet some people still underestimate them. The teachers form the foundation for each person’s educational journey to achieve their own goals and aspirations. I believe that everyone has had a teacher who changed the trajectory of their life, pushing them towards things they never thought possible.

     Let us show our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to them who have touched our hearts, guided us on the right path, and left an indelible mark on our lives. As we celebrate National Teachers’ Month, let us honor their dedication and commitment in teaching.

     I extend my warmest thanks to all of the teachers who have illuminated our minds with knowledge and understanding. Thank you for being the guiding light when we could not see the right path ahead. We are forever grateful for your unwavering patience, love, and kindness in guiding us. We will treasure your light forever, glowing in the hallways of our memories and illuminating our paths with eternal brightness.



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