Monday, December 9, 2024

Quarter 2 Reflection: Code Road

     Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I emerged from the second quarter, forged by trials, tempered by resilience and illuminated by discovery. This transformative journey has left an indelible mark, shaping my perspective and fueling my determination.

     This quarter, I delved into HTML fundamentals, mastering essential tags and attributes. Table construction became second nature, using table, tr, td, th, colsp and rowsattributes for dynamic data representation. I also explored typography, utilizing font, size, color and face attributes for styling text. Additionally, I learned frame elements (frame, frameset and noframes tags) for multi-page layouts and link elements (a, href) and target attributes for navigation. Image and multimedia integration using img, src, and alt rounded out my skills. Effective CSS integration via style attributes and classes enhanced my web development proficiency. These HTML building blocks empowered me to craft responsive, visually appealing web pages, solidifying my foundation in web development.

     Cancellation of classes due to the never-ending typhoons disrupted our classes, leaving us with a condensed schedule that tested our adaptability. Overwhelmed and frustrated, I struggled to maintain momentum. Self-doubt crept in, making each coding concept harder to grasp. Fear of failure undermined my confidence, affecting productivity. Despite efforts, focus waned, and anxiety stirred. However, I recognized the need to rebound.

     To regain control, I prioritized tasks, sought guidance from family members and friends, and took regular breaks. I even celebrated small wins, which increased my confidence by reminding me that I am more capable than I believe I am. Resilience blossomed, enabling me to rebound from setbacks. Renewed strength forged determination, propelling me forward.

     Moving on, I will continue to learn to adapt, persevere, and trust my abilities. Consistency, self-care and deliberate learning will drive progress. Embracing a growth mindset, I'll tackle obstacles head-on. With renewed determination, I'll soar into the next quarter, my spirit unbroken, like a tree that weathered the storm—roots strengthened, branches resilient and leaves renewed.


  1. Your reflection inspires me. I appreciate your great dedication towards your journey in ICT for the 2nd quarter.

  2. Ivone dear, I have seen the patriotism on your heart, of which should prevail. Keep it!

  3. I liked how you presented your introduction! you're Demetrio's relative, right? Let's be friends! :)

  4. I am amazed by your creativity in showing your thoughts and feelings about your journey about the quarter 2. Continue learning and do not give up, never doubt yourself in everything you do!

  5. Second quarter has been tough, but I’m proud of how you are pushing through and staying consistent :)

  6. Coding is very challenging, I'm glad you managed to master it. Keep up the good work!

  7. I admire how you embraced our new topic which is coding with an open mind.

  8. Great to see how much you've learned this quarter and how you've overcome your challenges. Keep it up!


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