It was like a sunflower blooming vibrantly in the rugged mountains of Suyo-Cervantes, Ilocos Sur, its vibrant petals shone brightly, defying the wilted sunflowers surrounding it. Similarly, my holiday experience flourished amidst familiarity. The same roads, same scenic views, yet an unmistakable difference. It was the people I shared it with, ordinary moments transformed into extraordinary memories.
First and foremost, I finished the "simbang gabi" together with my best friend. To be honest, It was hard to wake up at 2 in the morning to avoid being late. Those 9 masses were not just to turn a wish into reality as they say, it was the time for us to prepare for the coming of Jesus. And for me, it was a simple way to enjoy and feel the spirit of Christmas. It was truly memorable since it was my first time to complete the simbang gabi.
In addition, I also went caroling, again with my best friend but this time, with my mother. It was fun singing and clapping to accompany our song. Although our voice was slowly giving up, the money we got made it worth it.