Saturday, September 21, 2024

Stairway to grit

     Challenges in our country is inevitable. In order to face those challenges, our country needs to be more resilient. Considering the causes, responses, and challenges, definitely, our country will be better. First, our government should take action to the challenges we are facing. Not having unity is the major challenge our country needs to resolve. So, by having the government to lead properly, the people will unite and will create a strong country.

     The geographic location of the Philippines is the main reason why our country is facing a challenge. Since it's located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, it is prone to natural disaster such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, and typhoons. As a result, many lives and infrastructures in our country is affected and leads to a dispirited country. In addition, the issue about the west Philippine sea is also a visible reason why our country needs to be more resilient. We shall be aware of these problems as it could bring harm to us.

     In response to the challenges, our government is taking action to resolve these. There are numerous ways that our government has done in order to make our country more resilient. They have provided information in which we can use to be prepared for disasters we may experience. Our government should not only take action but also us. We must be aware of the happenings in our country, cooperate, and unite to create a tougher country. Let us make our country lead to a more resilient one and create it better for future generations.


Philippine Map Video Footage. Retrieved at

Ring of fire: Why Indonesia has so many earthquakes. Retrieved at

Disaster Preparedness: a local governance imperative. Retrieved at

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